Installing the ARC Commander
Head to the ARC Commander’s GitHub release page. Download the newest release for your operating system (OS) and follow the instructions for your OS listed below.
Head to the ARC Commander’s GitHub release page. Download the newest release for Windows.
In Windows Explorer, head over to the folder where you downloaded the ARC Commander, e.g.
You can move the .exe to a desired folder, e.g. to your personal folder
Add the folder with the ARC Commander to your PATH:
- Open the Start Menu, type in
and click on Edit the system environment variables - Click on Environment Variables…, click on Path and on Edit… in the tab User variables for <your username>, click on New and type in the full path to your folder as seen in the example below:
- This allows you to start the ARC Commander from any folder
- Please make sure that you do not have any blank spaces in your path
- Open the Start Menu, type in
Navigate to a folder in which you want to initialize an ARC
Open the Command Prompt (CMD) via typing in
in the folder address, press Enter -
Run the ARC Commander from the CMD by executing
Done! 🎉
Open a Terminal (Applications -> Utilities -> Terminal)
Copy/paste the following commands into your terminal and execute them to (a) download the latest ARC Commander release, (b) change permissions to make the ARC Commander executable and (c) move the ARC Commander program to a location from where it is executable via the terminal:
First, you need to verify if your machine is using an AMD / x86 processor or ARM processor.
Terminal window uname -mThis command will return the processor type. If it returns x86_64 , your system is x86. If it returns arm64 , armv7l , or similar, it is ARM.
For AMD / x86 processors
Terminal window curl -LO a+x ./arc_osx-x64mv ./arc_osx-x64 /usr/local/bin/arcFor ARM processors
Terminal window curl -LO a+x ./arc_osx-arm64mv ./arc_osx-arm64 /usr/local/bin/arc -
Run ARC Commander from the terminal by executing:
Terminal window arc -
MacOS security note: On first execution, MacOS will not allow arc to be run. Instead it opens a pop-up:
> "arc" cannot be opened because it is from an unidentified developer -
Open the Security Panel in system Preferences (Applications -> System Preferences -> “Security & Privacy”) or by executing the following command in your terminal:
Terminal window open ""In the “General” tab click the bottom-right button “Allow Anyway” right next to
> arc was blocked from use because it is not from an identified developer. -
Head back to the terminal and execute
again. Another pop-up will ask you to confirm by clicking “Open”. -
Check that arc is properly installed by executing
Terminal window arc --versionYou should see the following or similar message:
> Start processing parameterless command.> Start Arc Version> v1.0.0> Done processing command.
Download the latest ARC Commander release
Terminal window wget -
Make it executable
Terminal window chmod u+x arc_linux-x64 -
Move to suitable place (e.g. in your home directory or to
to make it accessible for all users)Terminal window if ! [ -d "$HOME/bin" ]; then mkdir "$HOME/bin"; fi # If it does not exist, create a folder `bin` in your home arc_linux-x64 $HOME/bin/arc # move executable to that folder -
You might have to start a fresh terminal or
source ~/.profile
Test that ARC Commander is properly installed
Terminal window arc --versionYou should see the following or similar message:
> Start processing parameterless command.> Start Arc Version> v1.0.0> Done processing command.