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ARCGraph Module

Functions for creating and working with ARC FGraphs.

Types and nested modules

Type/Module Description


Functions for visualizing ARC FGraphs.


Representation of the familiarity of a CvParam's CvTerm. If the CvTerm is known in, e.g., an ontology, use KnownTerm, else use UnknownTerm. ObsoleteTerm is for deprecated terms (i.e., OboTerm with `is_obsolete` = `true`).

Functions and values

Function or value Description

addEmptyIpsToNodeData subgraph

Full Usage: addEmptyIpsToNodeData subgraph

Returns: FGraph<string, IParam seq, ARCRelation>

Takes a subgraph and adds empty IParams of the respective CvTerm to the nodedata if it is shorter than the longest IParam seq of any nodedata so that all IParam seqs have the same amount of items. Ignores the header.

subgraph : FGraph<string, IParam seq, ARCRelation>
Returns: FGraph<string, IParam seq, ARCRelation>

addMissingTerms onto ips

Full Usage: addMissingTerms onto ips

Returns: IParam seq

Takes an OboOntology and a list of IParams and returns the list with all OboTerms that are missing in the list appended as empty-value IParams.

onto : OboOntology
ips : IParam seq
Returns: IParam seq

addMissingTermsInGroup ontoGraph ips

Full Usage: addMissingTermsInGroup ontoGraph ips

Returns: IParam seq

Checks if there are missing terms in a given seq of IParams by using a given ontology-based FGraph and adds them if so. A term is defined as missing if it has a part_of relation to the seq's head term and is not present in the seq's tail.

ontoGraph : FGraph<string, OboTerm, ARCRelation>
ips : IParam seq
Returns: IParam seq

constructIntermediateMetadataSubgraph ontoGraph ips

Full Usage: constructIntermediateMetadataSubgraph ontoGraph ips

Returns: FGraph<string, IParam seq, ARCRelation> * (string * TermFamiliarity seq) list

Takes an ontology-based FGraph and a seq of termname * matched IParams to create an intermediate subgraph out of it. This subgraph consists of a chain of nodes that have their termname as nodekey and their IParam seq as nodedata. The nodes are ordered by the follows-relationship taken from the ontology-based FGraph.

ontoGraph : FGraph<string, OboTerm, ARCRelation>
ips : (string * TermFamiliarity seq) seq
Returns: FGraph<string, IParam seq, ARCRelation> * (string * TermFamiliarity seq) list

deconstructTf tf

Full Usage: deconstructTf tf

Returns: IParam

Returns the TermFamiliarity's IParam value.

tf : TermFamiliarity
Returns: IParam

fillTokenList onto tokens

Full Usage: fillTokenList onto tokens

Returns: ((string * int) * IParam) seq seq seq

Takes a structural ontology and a seq of IParams, fills in all missing IParams, and returns the IParam seq but grouped by term name (most inner seq) and divided into sections (middle seq).

onto : OboOntology
tokens : IParam seq
Returns: ((string * int) * IParam) seq seq seq

fromCvParamListAsNodes cvpList

Full Usage: fromCvParamListAsNodes cvpList

Returns: FGraph<(int * string), CvParam, ARCRelation>

Takes a list of CvParams and returns the ArcGraph as an FGraph consisting of Nodes only.

cvpList : CvParam list
Returns: FGraph<(int * string), CvParam, ARCRelation>

getMissingTerms onto ips

Full Usage: getMissingTerms onto ips

Returns: IParam seq

Returns all terms that are present in the given ontology but don't occur in the given CvParam list as CvParams.

onto : OboOntology
ips : IParam seq
Returns: IParam seq

getPrecedingCvParams ip graph

Full Usage: getPrecedingCvParams ip graph

Returns: (string * OboTerm * ARCRelation) seq

Returns all preceding terms (as ID * OboTerm * ArcRelation) of a given CvParam by using a given ontology graph.

ip : IParam
graph : FGraph<string, OboTerm, ARCRelation>
Returns: (string * OboTerm * ARCRelation) seq

getRelatedIParams ip graph

Full Usage: getRelatedIParams ip graph

Returns: (string * OboTerm * ARCRelation) seq

Returns all related terms (as ID * OboTerm * ArcRelation) of a given CvParam by using a given ontology graph.

ip : IParam
graph : FGraph<string, OboTerm, ARCRelation>
Returns: (string * OboTerm * ARCRelation) seq

getRelatedIParamsBy relating ip graph

Full Usage: getRelatedIParamsBy relating ip graph

Returns: (string * OboTerm * 'b) seq

Returns all terms (as ID * OboTerm * ArcRelation) of a given CvParam by using a given ontology graph via a given relating function.

relating : FContext<string, OboTerm, ARCRelation> -> 'a
ip : IParam
graph : FGraph<string, OboTerm, ARCRelation>
Returns: (string * OboTerm * 'b) seq

getSucceedingCvParams ip graph

Full Usage: getSucceedingCvParams ip graph

Returns: (string * OboTerm * ARCRelation) seq

Returns all succeeding terms (as ID * OboTerm * ArcRelation) of a given CvParam by using a given ontology graph.

ip : IParam
graph : FGraph<string, OboTerm, ARCRelation>
Returns: (string * OboTerm * ARCRelation) seq

groupTerms ips

Full Usage: groupTerms ips

Returns: (string * IParam seq) seq

Groups the given IParams by their name and groups them together.

ips : IParam seq
Returns: (string * IParam seq) seq

hasFollowsTo onto currentIp priorIp

Full Usage: hasFollowsTo onto currentIp priorIp

Returns: bool

Checks is a given current CvParam has a follows relationship to a given prior CvParam by using a given ontology graph.

onto : FGraph<string, OboTerm, ARCRelation>
currentIp : IParam
priorIp : IParam
Returns: bool

hasPartOfTo onto currentIp priorIp

Full Usage: hasPartOfTo onto currentIp priorIp

Returns: bool

Checks is a given current CvParam has a part_of relationship to a given prior CvParam by using a given OboOntology.

onto : FGraph<string, OboTerm, ARCRelation>
currentIp : IParam
priorIp : IParam
Returns: bool

hasRelationTo onto relation currentIp priorIp

Full Usage: hasRelationTo onto relation currentIp priorIp

Returns: bool

Checks is a given current CvParam has a given ArcRelation to a given prior CvParam by using a given ontology graph.

onto : FGraph<string, OboTerm, ARCRelation>
relation : ARCRelation
currentIp : IParam
priorIp : IParam
Returns: bool

isHeader ontoGraph ip

Full Usage: isHeader ontoGraph ip

Returns: bool

Checks if a given IParam is a header term in a given OboOntology.

ontoGraph : FGraph<string, OboTerm, ARCRelation>
ip : IParam
Returns: bool

isObsoleteTerm onto ip

Full Usage: isObsoleteTerm onto ip

Returns: bool

Checks if the given IParam contains an obsolete term using a given OboOntology.

onto : OboOntology
ip : IParam
Returns: bool

isPartOfHeader header ontoGraph ip

Full Usage: isPartOfHeader header ontoGraph ip

Returns: bool

Checks if a given IParam has a part_of relation to a given header term using an ontology-based FGraph.

header : IParam
ontoGraph : FGraph<string, OboTerm, ARCRelation>
ip : IParam
Returns: bool

matchTerms onto gips

Full Usage: matchTerms onto gips

Returns: (string * TermFamiliarity seq) seq

Takes a seq of grouped IParams and tags them according to their TermFamiliarity using a given OboOntology.

onto : OboOntology
gips : (string * IParam seq) seq
Returns: (string * TermFamiliarity seq) seq

metadataSubgraphToList subgraph

Full Usage: metadataSubgraphToList subgraph

Returns: ((string * int) * IParam) seq seq

Takes a metadata subgraph and returns its content as a list of flat list in the form of (name * number) * nodedata. The inner list has their items grouped by the number.

subgraph : FGraph<(string * int), IParam, ARCRelation>
Returns: ((string * int) * IParam) seq seq

splitMetadataSubgraph subgraph

Full Usage: splitMetadataSubgraph subgraph

Returns: FGraph<(string * int), IParam, ARCRelation>

Splits the nodedata of a given intermediate subgraph into single nodes. Nodekey changes from name to name * number (of occurence), 0-based.

subgraph : FGraph<string, IParam seq, ARCRelation>
Returns: FGraph<(string * int), IParam, ARCRelation>

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