is a CLI tool for validating ARCs and managing validation packages.
Command Line Usage
USAGE: arc-validate [--help] [--verbose] [--token <string>] [<subcommand> [<options>]]
validate, v <options> command for performing arc validation
package, p <options> subcommands for validation packages
Use 'arc-validate <subcommand> --help' for additional information.
--verbose, -v Use verbose error messages (with full error stack).
--token, -t <string> The token to use for authentication with github.
--help, -h display this list of options.
The validate command
USAGE: arc-validate validate [--help] [--arc-directory <path>] [--out-directory <path>] [--package <package name>]
--arc-directory, -i <path>
Optional. Specify a directory that contains the arc to convert. Default: content of the ARC_PATH
environment variable. If ARC_PATH is not set: current directory.
--out-directory, -o <path>
Optional. Specify a output directory for the test results file (arc-validate-results.xml).
Default: file gets written to the arc root folder.
--package, -p <package name>
Optional. Specify a validation package to use on top of the default validation for invenio
export. Default: no package is used, only structural validation for invenio export.
--help, -h display this list of options.
The package command
USAGE: arc-validate package [--help] [<subcommand> [<options>]]
install, i <options> install valiation packages
uninstall, u <options>
uninstall valiation packages
list, l <options> list packages from available soures
update-index, c update the locally chached package index
Use 'arc-validate <subcommand> --help' for additional information.
--help, -h display this list of options.
The package install subcommand
USAGE: arc-validate package install [--help] <package name>
<package name> name of the validation package to install
--help, -h display this list of options.
The package uninstall subcommand
USAGE: arc-validate package uninstall [--help] <package name>
<package name> name of the validation package to uninstall
--help, -h display this list of options.
The package list subcommand
USAGE: arc-validate package list [--help] [--installed] [--indexed]
--installed, -i list installed packages from the package cache
--indexed, -c list indexed packages from the cached package index
--help, -h display this list of options.
Multiple items
val string: value: 'T -> string
type string = System.String
val string: value: 'T -> string
type string = System.String
type 'T list = List<'T>
val set: elements: 'T seq -> Set<'T> (requires comparison)