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ARCExpect API design

The main goal of ARCExpect is providing an API surface that creates the common validatiopn cases without the need for much custom input. The following principles guide the design of the API:

API Design

Semantic Methods for validation case creation in the Validate namespace

Methods in the Validate (sub)namespace(s) should mirror an english sentence in the imperative mood of the following form, where words in brackets () are left out for brevity and/or are optional, and words in angle brackets <> are placeholders for the actual values:

Validate.(for <article>)<object>(that)<predicate>(is true)



As validation cases are fundamentally built for validating ControlledVocabulary Tokens (CvParams / IParams), this reflected in the objects of the 'sentences' provided as methods of the API.

The following objects should be supported:


Predicates are the conditions that the object(s) should satisfy. Generic methods should be provided to cover predicates that are not directly provided by the API to satisfy the Customizable principle. The following predicates should be supported out of the box:





IParam (Param)


(IParam -> bool) -> IParam -> unit

generic method to validate wether a single IParam satisfies any kind of predicate (predicate here refers to a function that projects IParam -> bool)

IParam (Param)


IParam -> IParam -> unit

validates wether the given param is exactly equal (structural equality regarding all object fields) to the expected param

IParam (Param)


ParamValue -> IParam -> unit

validates wether the given param's value is equal to the expected ParamValue.

IParam (Param)


CvTerm -> IParam -> unit

validates wether the given param's term is equal to the expected CvTerm

seq<#IParam> (ParamCollection)


(seq<#IParam> -> bool) -> seq<#IParam> -> unit

generic method to validate wether a collection of IParams satisfies any kind of predicate (predicate here refers to a function that projects the whole sequence seq<#IParam> -> bool)

seq<#IParam> (ParamCollection)


seq<#IParam> -> unit

validates that the given collection of IParams is not empty (has a length > 0)

seq<#IParam> (ParamCollection)


int -> seq<#IParam> -> unit

validates wether the given collection of IParams has as many items as expected

seq<#IParam> (ParamCollection)


(IParam> -> bool) -> seq<#IParam> -> unit

generic method to validate wether all items in a collection of IParams satisfy any kind of predicate (predicate here refers to a function that projects one item at a time IParam -> bool)

seq<#IParam> (ParamCollection)


(IParam> -> bool) -> seq<#IParam> -> unit

generic method to validate wether at least one item in a collection of IParams satisfies any kind of predicate (predicate here refers to a function that projects one item at a time IParam -> bool)

seq<#IParam> (ParamCollection)


IParam -> seq<#IParam> -> unit

validates wether the given collection of IParams contains the expected IParam (by structural equality regarding all object fields)

seq<#IParam> (ParamCollection)


ParamValue -> seq<#IParam> -> unit

validates wether the given collection of IParams contains an item with the expected ParamValue

seq<#IParam> (ParamCollection)


CvTerm -> seq<#IParam> -> unit

validates wether the given collection of IParams contains an item with the expected CvTerm

Type something to start searching.