Towards democratization of plant research.

About DataPLANT

DataPLANT is a consortium from the heart of the German plant research community. We aim to establish sustainable Research Data management (RDM) by providing digital (e.g., in the form of software or teaching material) and personal (e.g., via on-site consultation or workshops) assistance.

DataPLANT is committed to developing a RDM system that meets community requirements and facilitates the processing and contextualization of research datasets in accordance with the FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable).

Find more about us below 👇

 <div class="text-darkblue">About DataPLANT</div>

About DataPLANT

Towards democratization of plant research.

Our mission↪

DataPLANT's mission is to provide a sustainable data platform for plant sciences, driving the digital change towards FAIR data publication.

Our Community & Partners↪

DataPLANT consists of different partners from the field of plant research. You are interested in finding out who is already involved?

DataPLANT Governance↪

DataPLANT implements an organizational model designed for long-term, community-enabled sustainability.

Our Task Areas↪

DataPLANT is organized into four task areas, each with a specific focus and set of objectives.

Our Research Data Management concept↪

DataPLANT’s Research Data Management (RDM) concept focusses on FAIR compliance, data and service interoperability, community participation, knowledge transfer, and long-term sustainability.

What others say about DataPLANT↪

DataPLANT is a collaborative project. Here is what our partners say about us.

DataPLANT is part of NFDI↪

NFDI (Nationale Forschungsdateninfrastruktur) organises a nationwide collaborative network for the joint use of data and software as a common good across scientific domains.