Our mission

In order to drive the digital change, DataPLANT’s primary mission is to foster active community participation and engagement by providing comprehensive support that streamlines Research Data Management (RDM) and ensures compliance with the FAIR principles. It aims to seamlessly connect research activities with data management processes, thereby equipping researchers to handle RDM effectively without drawing a distinction between the two. This goal necessitates a sociotechnical participation framework that aligns DataPLANT’s objectives with the broader objectives of the NFDI, thereby facilitating digital transformation across and within research communities. Achieving these outcomes demands the integration of diverse expertise. DataPLANT’s mission is to empower the community to “employ, contribute, govern” through a strategy supported by technical aims to “ensure, develop, interoperate” and integrative goals to “deploy, network, exchange”.

“Employ, Contribute, Govern”
DataPLANT’s strategy for empowering the community supports systematic data collection across various locations and methods, making data easily accessible for all. This ensures enduring and structured access for third parties, enabling data integration and analysis across different storage locations, disciplines, and countries. Data Stewards within the consortium facilitate the plant community’s active participation, supported by technologies and services developed with continuous feedback and open planning. These resources are crucial for sustaining the momentum in RDM within the plant community, ensuring long-term stability and ongoing contributions.

“Ensure, Develop, Interoperate”
DataPLANT aims to establish RDM practices, tools, procedures, and services that facilitate collaborative research. We offer a unified framework and best practices for data management, annotation standards, and quality control in plant science and beyond. This will be achieved in close collaboration with researchers and other stakeholders to ensure compliance with FAIR principles.

“Deploy, Network, Exchange”
DataPLANT is committed to advancing RDM methodologies and supporting structures through implementation, connectivity, and collaboration. It plays a key role in developing and applying shared RDM procedures and standards across NFDI consortia. The focus is on enhancing existing services and practices to meet the specific needs of plant researchers, rather than creating entirely new solutions. This approach aims for sustainable outcomes by relying on active user and community engagement. The success of this integrative strategy for sustainable outcomes relies on active engagement from users and the wider community, as well as achieving our integrative goals within the national and international RDM landscape. This approach aims to establish a two-way communication framework and a distributed, harmonized service environment.