DataPLANT participates in the Base4 initialization phase proposal

Fri Aug 18 2023

Research software plays a major role in RDM besides data. DataPLANT recognizes this already with the formulation of the ARC specification taking software and workflows into account as well. To obtain a better overview within the wide field of research software will implement a central marketplace. The idea is to enable a seamless access to the extensive portfolio of research software in the domains of the different NFDI consortia, for facilitating discovery, providing context and documenting maturity of research software, for integrating information on the relevance, impact, and adoption of software in communities. This would allow for a connection of research software to other relevant research outcomes, e.g., publications and data, and services, e.g., execution platforms. Such a market place leverages the use of research data made available in the NFDI, and provides a comprehensive overview of software produced by researchers, research software engineers, and their organizations, as well as of software created by the NFDI consortia.

The main applicant in this Base4NFDI initialization phase proposal is the Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ. From DataPLANT’s side we will bring in EOSC expertise via the Galaxy partnership which is one of the cores of services in our consortium. Especially in research software is a major factor in digital souverainity and independence of science.