DataPLANT participates in Base4NFDI

Fri Apr 29 2022

From the very beginning, the National Infrastructure has been dedicated to the common topics spanning all consortia. At the beginning, common cross-cutting topics were agreed upon in a meeting in Berlin. Subsequently, based on this, four sections were established by the Scientific Senate on 1.10.2021. The following sections have been launched:

  • Common Infrastructures (section-infra).
  • Ethical, Legal and Social Aspects (section-ELSA)
  • (Meta)data Terminologies and Provenance (section-metadata)
  • Training & Education (section-edutrain)

Subsequently, the DFG published a call for proposals, which is intended to promote so-called basic services. After a statement of the consortium assembly of the Association of the National Research Data Infrastructure on basic services, the call for proposals was adapted accordingly and could thus be taken as a motivation to write an application under the heading Base4NFDI by a union of the consortia. And indeed, the application was completed and submitted to the DFG on April 29, 2022. The Letter of Intent shows all represented partners. And of course we from DataPLANT are part of it!
We are looking forward to a fruitful collaboration in the sections and hope that the engagement we observe there will also be reflected in Base4NFDI in the future.

You are interested in joining one of the sections? Then register here!

Further Links:
Berlin Declaration on NFDI Cross-Cutting Topics
NFDI Sections
DFG Call for Proposals - Basic Services
Statement of the NFDI Consortia on Base Services
Letter of Intent - Base4NFDI
Base4NFDI - Zenodo