DataPLANT participates in Second NFDI strategy workshops

Wed Oct 21 2020

The second NFDI strategy workshop focused on vision, values, mission as well as on the technical architecture of the NFDI. The workshop was organized by the NFDI Directorate. In the meantime the association has been successfully founded and registered. The directorate has also been completed in terms of personnel. The aim of the workshop was to sharpen the vision through the participating consortia: Why are we doing this and what kind of world do we dream of? There was also an exchange about the values: What are desirable characteristics of the NFDI that are shared by all members and guarantee responsible action? The mission should clarify: What are we doing, what is our goal for the NFDI and how do we want to proceed? The third theme should advance the reflection on a possible Technical Architecture: How is “the NFDI system” made up of different components and how do they interact? Because of the actual situation all was handled online using tools like break-out rooms and jamboards.