Contribute to ARC development

The Annotated Research Context (ARC) is DataPLANT’s central concept for organizing and documenting research data, focal point of collaboration, data exchange, and overall FAIR Digital Object of choice.

When using the DataPLANT tools (e.g. ARCitect and guides to create ARCs, the majority of ARC guidelines will be followed automatically.

The detailed description of these technical requirements are captured in the ARC specification. However, the ARC is not a top-down mandated concept, but rather a community-driven effort. The ARC specification is a living document that is continuously improved and extended upon. It is hosted on GitHub and open for contributions from the community, as well as general discussions.

The same is true for all ARC-related tooling developed by DataPLANT: development is done out in the open on our GitHub organization, which also has an top-level discussion forum. For the core ARC tools, we even have an open development board, which gives an overview on the entire development process of our core developer team.