DataHub Hands-On

Navigation Bar

  1. navigate directly to the projects panel via the icon in the top-left (1)
  2. open the hamburger Menu (2)
  3. use the search field (3) to find ARCs, users and groups
  4. open the avatar Menu (4)

Hamburger Menu

  1. From the hamburger menu (1) you can
  2. navigate to the projects (2)
  3. or groups (3) panels

Avatar Menu

  1. In the avatar menu (1) you can
  2. find your profile name and user name (2),
  3. navigate to the user settings (3)
  4. or sign out (4) of the DataHUB.

Projects Panel

  1. Choose a tab (1) to see only your ARCs, or explore other publicly available ARCs.
  2. The main panel (2) lists all ARCs
  3. Here you can also see, the visibility level (3), and
  4. your permission or role (4) for the listed ARC.
  5. You can create a New Project in the top-right corner (5).

ARC Panel

The ARC Panel is the main working area for your ARC.

ARC Panel – sidebar

  1. access the project information (1), e.g. invite members to the ARC
  2. follow the progress of your ARC repository (2),
  3. organize tasks in issue lists and boards (3),
  4. take notes in a wiki to your ARC (4),
  5. adapt the settings (5) of the ARC.

ARC Panel – main panel

  1. see the ARC's name and visibility level (6),
  2. follow the ARC's commit history (7),
  3. see files contained in your ARC just like on your computer (8),
  4. add new files or directories (9), and
  5. download or clone your ARC (10).

Collaborate and share

Invite collaborators

  • Unless changed, your ARC is set to private by default.
  • To collaborate, you can invite lab colleagues or project partners to your ARC by following the steps on the subsequent slides.
  • To get started sign in to the DataHUB and open the ARC you want to share.
  1. Click on Project Information in the left navigation panel


  1. Click on Members


  1. Click on Invite members


  1. Search for potential collaborators


  1. Select a role


Choosing the proper role

Have the least rights. They will not be able to see the content of your ARC (only the wiki page).

Have read access to your ARC. This is recommended for people you ask for consultancy.

The choice for most people you want to invite to your ARC. Developers have read and write access, but cannot maintain the project on the DataHUB, e.g. inviting others.

Gives the person the same rights as you have (except of removing you from your own project). This is recommended for inviting PIs or group leaders allowing them to add their group members for data upload or analysis to the project as well.

A detailed list of all permissions for the individual roles can be found here


You have just shared your ARC with a collaborator.

Version control

  • Commit history

Project Management

  • Issues

ARCs come with their own wiki space

  • directly associated to your ARC
  • same access rights as your ARC
  • share meeting minutes or ideas with collaboration partners
  • keep ARC clean of files that are not considered "research data"


Slides presented here include contributions by